Trading Indicators
On this page, you can find all our guides to various trading indicators so you accelerate your trading education.
Moving Averages
What is the 200-day simple moving average?
The 200 day moving average is one of the most popular technical analysis indicators because it provides valuable insights into long-term trends and potential entry and exit points. This article will show you exactly what the 200 day moving average is, why it’s popular, its pros and cons, and how you can incorporate it into your trading strategy.
How to Use the 50-Day Moving Average
The 50-day moving average is the most popular technical analysis indicator in the world. Unlike shorter time-frame averages like the 20-day moving average or longer ones like the 200-day moving average, the 50-Day SMA provides a balanced, intermediate view. It captures enough of the recent price action to be relevant but also includes enough data to minimize noise and false signals.
How the 20-day moving average works
Active traders rely heavily on technical analysis indicators to guide their entry and exit strategies. And the 20 day moving average is one of most popular indicators used by day and swing traders. In fact, it might be the second best-known indicator behind the 50 day moving average.
Momentum Indicators
This technical analysis indicator, developed by Gerald Appel in the late seventies, Moving Average Convergence-Divergence is one of the simplest and most effective momentum indicators available.
Bollinger Bands are a technical analysis trading tool created by John Bollinger, a long-time technician of the markets, in the early 1980s. They arose from the need for adaptive trading bands and the observation that volatility was dynamic, not static as was widely believed at the time, and since they can be used to measure the highness or lowness of the price relative to previous trades they became widely accepted.