Apple Bears Were Wrong


Traders came in slightly cautious last week... and it turns out they were wrong.

Because the broader markets, led by Apple (AAPL), hit a string of record highs.

SPX Bullishness Bounces Back

Last week, just 56% of traders were bullish - the lowest reading we've had since launching the survey in October.

With the market rebounding, bullish sentiment pushed up to 67%.

Bitcoin Sentiment Steady

Traders remain ambivalent towards Bitcoin, with bullish sentiment at 55% for the second straight week.

And as you might expect, the downtrend has traders more wary of Bitcoin.

Apple Doubters Proven Wrong

Last week, just 53% of traders were bullish on Apple (AAPL)... but the stock proved the crowd was too pessimistic as it hit a string of all-time highs.

Bullish sentiment rose to 63% for this week.

Tesla Bears Back Off

Last week, just 36% of traders were bullish on Tesla (TSLA). This week, that number is up to 54%. Unfortunately, Tesla is selling off today.

Gold Flat

Gold sentiment is essentially unchanged from last week, with 55% of traders identifying as bullish.

Oil Bullishness on the Rise

Bullish oil sentiment rose for the third straight week to 64%, even with crude oil slipping.

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