Power Plays New Idea: AMZN
March 14, 2024
By Scott Redler
Name: Amazon
Ticker: AMZN
Price: $179.13
Needs to Hold: $164-$172
Price Objective 1: $187 to $200
Price Objective 2: N/A
I'm making Amazon (AMZN) our newest Power Play. Microsoft (MSFT) is surging and it feels like AMZN will follow suit.
This is definitely a more aggressive play for active traders. But I think AMZN can break above the $187 area in short order.
By the way, Apple (AAPL), which we added 2 days ago, is looking great and I have even more confidence in it.
Scott Redler Positions Disclosure as of 2024-03-14 at 2.28.42 PM