Power Plays New Idea: MS + Closing MDB + Trimming GS
February 23, 2024

By Scott Redler

Before we get to our new idea, I want take the following actions for Power Plays:

  • Close out MongoDB (MDB) because I'm losing some confidence in it and we can lock in another gain
  • Trim half of Goldmans Sachs (GS) to take a small gain

Now let's get to our new name:

Name: Morgan Stanley

Ticker: MS

Price: $86.85

Needs to Hold: $80 to $84

Price Objective 1: $92 to $96

Price Objective 2: N/A

I'm making Morgan Stanley (MS) a Power Play here because it looks like it can play catch-up to Goldman Sachs (GS).

MS looks ready to fill the gap up to $89, and then hit bigger resistance over $92.


Scott Redler Positions Disclosure as of 2024-02-23 at 12.46.52 PM