T3’s Top 10: Our Most Popular Articles for October 2017


What's popular with the thousands of traders that make up the T3 Live community?

You're about to find out with our top 10 articles for October 2017, ranked by visits to our website.

We've got a special sneak preview of Redler Ultimate Access, 3 options education articles, tips for picking stocks to day trade, and more!

We'll start with number 10 and work our way down to number 1:

10) Scott Redler's Morning Call Video: Ultimate Access Edition

To celebrate the first-ever Redler Ultimate Access weekend of trading and education, T3 Live is publishing today’s Morning Call video as a bonus for our readers.

9) Theta: The Options Trader's Kryponite

Welcome back to our Introduction to Options series! By now we’ve covered The ABC’s of Puts and Call and How Implied Volatility Works.

Now, we’re going to explore another critical factor in options pricing: time

8) How to Start Trading Options: The ABC's of Puts and Calls

Are you ready to start trading options?’

Then you’re in luck. You’re about to get a 100% FREE crash course in options trading, comprised of 5 in-depth articles.

7) Scott Redler: How I Traded AMZN Before and After Earnings

In this special excerpt from Redler All-Access, T3 Live Chief Strategic Officer Scott Redler broke down how he traded Amazon (AMZN) before and after its huge third-quarter earnings report.

6) 5 Ways to Know If Your Day Trade Should Last All Day

Have you heard the “let your winners run?”

How about “take what the market gives you” or  “never let a winner turn into a loser?”

While these idioms can seem like direct contradictions, they are all truths in trading that each apply to certain contexts.

5) How Implied Volatility Works

In our introduction to options trading, we discussed some basics of options, like the differences between calls and puts, how options contracts work, and why options is a zero sum game.

Now we’re going to dig into the single most important options pricing concept: implied volatility.

4) Deadly Waves Spotted 30 Years After Black Monday

Because of the two dramatic downturns this century, investors have gone passive thinking this protects them when in reality, it probably will lead to greater risk when the virtuous circle of ETF buying revolves in the other direction.

Once a parabolic arc breaks and sentiment is pierced, there is no telling how low the low can be.

3) Sami Abusaad: 32 Stocks I'm Watching for Earnings Season

In this special video, Nightly Game Plan Moderator Sami Abusaad walks you through his earnings season swing trading watchlist.

With volatility so low, not many trades triggered this week, so Sami’s going to take you through the 32 stocks Sami is watching for potential opportunities this earnings season:

2) 6 Tips for Picking the Right Stocks for Day Trading

If you ever find yourself asking yourself “what should I trade now,” then this article is for you.

We’ve put together a list of 6 simple, effective tips for picking the right stocks for day trading.

1) 9 Tips for Picking the Right Stocks for Swing Trading

As a swing trader, one of the most important decisions you’ll every make is choosing which stocks to trade.

You can learn all the winning setups in the world, but if you trade the wrong stocks, you’re going to lose money.

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