Apr 25, 2022

Today's Trade Ideas

Symbol: W

Style: Swing

Strategy: Put Spread


Long Date Amount

Action Area: $1 - $2

Comments: Text here.

Intraday Update: RBLX

RBLX is down sharply this morning following NFLX'sweak report, and the stock'sdrop to <37 is offering a great opportunity to lock in the remainder of the trade. TheMay20 $40 - $35 put spread roll down will be closed into the drop and the gain willbe booked.

Open Positions

* The following Open Positions pertain to the Options In Play trade ideas from this and previous editions. Disclosure of the Trader Co-Author’s actual portfolio holdings, as of the date of each publication, is made below under "Trader Author Portfolio Holdings.".

Trader Author Portfolio Holdings

**As of the date and time of publication