
Wonder what traders are talking about today?

We’re here with the top 10 stories we’re sharing with colleagues today, covering topics like:

  • Why the Fed just joined the masses of traders worried about the low VIX
  • Goldman's big bad bear case on hot momentum stocks Tesla (TSLA)
  • What you can do to start your day like a winner

And more!

So check out these links right now and get up to speed:

1) Now Fed Officials Are Starting to Wonder If the VIX Is Too Low  (Bloomberg)

Wondering why three Federal Reserve officials were moved last week to make public pronouncements about rising asset prices? Evidently, it’s the potential for “buildup of risk to financial stability.”

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2) Goldman predicts Tesla shares will get cut in half on ‘plateauing’ Model S sales (CNBC)

While some investors may be optimistic on Tesla's Model 3 production plans, Goldman Sachs is concerned over slowing sales growth of the company's current electric cars.

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3) Why You Need a Trading Checklist (T3 Live)

Checklists keep planes in the air. Checklists keep nuclear power plants operating safely.

And checklists can keep traders like you avoid simple errors that can cost you money.

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4) Cryptocurrencies: Coming To A Quote Screen Near You (Forbes)

When Amazon announced last week that it will acquire Whole Foods Market… you could almost hear the three-year plans of every grocer, and nearly every other traditional retailer, grinding through the shredding machines.

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5) Milton Friedman: Why Economists Disagree (Economically Speaking via YouTube)

In this video, free market proponent Milton Friedman sits down for an in-depth discussion with fellow economist Walter Heller.

6) 5 Sentiment Indicators You Need to Know About (T3 Live)

Permabulls always say everyone’s bearish. And permabears always say everyone’s bullish.

Most of the time, neither actually gives evidence for their views.

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7) Nvidia and Baidu team on AI across cloud, self-driving, academia and the home (TechCrunch)

Baidu and Nvidia announced a far-reaching agreement to work together on artificial intelligence today, spanning applications in cloud computing, autonomous driving, education and research, and domestic uses via consumer devices.

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8) Apple News is a sleeping giant — and Apple might be about to wake it up (Business Insider)

Apple released a news-aggregator app called Apple News in 2015, and nearly two years later, it may be gaining substantial traction.

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9) Poor Sleep Tied to Increased Alzheimer’s Risk (NY Times)

Poor sleep may be an indication of increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease, a new study of older people suggests.

Sleep problems and daytime sleepiness were associated with increased spinal fluid indicators of Alzheimer’s disease.

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10) How to Solve the “I Wake Up With No Motivation” Problem  (Thomas Frank)

Need help getting started in the morning?

Check out this video from blogger and education expert Thomas Frank, and get some helpful tips on starting your day off on the right foot:

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