Take Your Swing Trades to the Finish Line

Sami’s last lesson gave you a behind the scenes look at the tools that help him streamline his scanning process. Today, he’s reviewing his method for scanning the charts as effectively as possible. Remember: once you learn how, you'll have to practice to get fast. Maybe one day you’ll pass Sami’s 3 chart per second average!

But, once you flag your potential plays, what do you do with them?

Today’s lesson breaks down how to take your swing trade all the way to the finish line.

Sami’s strategy uses the dailies and hourlies together to pinpoint an ideal entry point. Every potential play gets this treatment, and the ones that make the cut get onto the favorites list.

If that sounds simple… that’s because it is. Once you know the rules, mastering the game is a piece of cake.

Learn Sami's lesson today: