How To Navigate A Tumultuous Tape

Whenever turmoil erupts in the markets, traders assume it's because of headlines and news.

Day traders love volatility, but only if they have the tools to navigate it.

Jeff Cooper has been a trader for 35 years. One of the most important things he's learned is that the news breaks with the cycles – NOT the other way around.

In this video, he shows how Time Tells Trend, and exactly what to look for to pinpoint turns in this tumultuous tape.

For example, Jeff  warned his subscribers that a 165 trading day cycle was due to hit on Tuesday.

Why? It was a 165 trading days from the Jan 2018 top to the Sept 2018 top.

Another 165 trading days was Tuesday May 21st. The market turned on a dime and collapsed into Thursday.

Time and price are not random. Watch now to learn how you can use them opportunistically to make a living trading.